AT&T Holiday / AT&T Holiday / AT&T Holiday /

AT&T Holiday

The Insight

During the holidays, tech gifts are primarily exchanged between those closest to us. In addition to being the “WOW” gifts of the season, they afford us the joy of staying in touch.

The Idea

Portray AT&T Stores as THE holiday gifting destination for those “Gifts that Connect Us.” At every retail touchpoint of the AT&T gifting experience, our spirited holiday ribbon was used to express the magic of these devices to “tie” us all together.

The Insight

During the holidays, tech gifts are primarily exchanged between those closest to us. In addition to being the “WOW” gifts of the season, they afford us the joy of staying in touch.

The Idea

Portray AT&T Stores as THE holiday gifting destination for those “Gifts that Connect Us.” At every retail touchpoint of the AT&T gifting experience, our spirited holiday ribbon was used to express the magic of these devices to “tie” us all together.

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